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  • 0582357187 ISBN-10:
  • 9780582357181 ISBN-13
  • 0582357187 ISBN-10
  • New Condition
  • Hardback Media
  • 5 business days Generally Ships in
  • Pearson Education Publisher
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    • Yes Protection
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An understanding of the history of the world—and understanding why this knowledge is important—has become essential r he citizens of the world's sole remaining superpower. Benefiting from the unifying viewpoint of a single author, this narrative lls the story of human events on the move—the exciting event history of wars and politics, booms and busts, the rise and ll empires, and more. Traces the broader development of human institutions and ideas as they evolve through time. Covers th events and broader trends as part of major global movements, through the lives of the people who lived them, and as ccinctly and vividly as possible. Includes new "Glance Ahead" chapter openers that help readers focus on the main points scussed. Features many new "Voices from the Past" boxes that bring to life people who have long since passed on. cludes new time lines, maps, and pictures. An interesting reference for anyone who wants to learn more about world history.
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