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This text provides comprehensive coverage of research methods and statistics in a readable and student-friendly format. A wide variety of methodologies including descriptive, experimental and quasi-experimental research, historical studies, qualitative methods, and single subject designs are covered. A complete range of research tools as well as descriptive and inferential statistics are also included, making this text the definitive resource for introductory research courses. Research in Education is divided into three parts: Part I, "Introduction to Educational Research," focuses on the purpose of research, hypotheses, developing a research problem, and writing proposals and reports; Part II, "Research Methods," is unique in that it integrates chapters on qualitative research methods, historical research and single-subject methods with the more typical chapters on experimental methods; and Part III, "Data Analysis," includes both descriptive and inferential statistics, as well as examples of analysis using a computer. New to this edition Expanded coverage of the use of technology to conduct library research. Emphasis on validity as a unitary trait consistent with AERA standards. This newer perspective views validity in a way that many books have not yet incorporated. New coverage of outliers and missing data in the Data Analysis chapters. Unique discussion on how to combine qualitative and quantitative methods in a single study illustrates mixed methods. Additional coverage of ethics and grant funding.
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