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  • 0071363785 ISBN-10:
  • 0071363785 ISBN-10
  • 9780071363785 ISBN-13
  • New Condition
  • Hardback Media
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Provides succinct, accessible coverage of surgical trauma management
Puts hands-on guidelines at your fingertips .
Features detailed illustrations depicting every important action a surgeon must consider while performing operations Covers surgical anatomy...and vascular, gynecologic , gastrointestinal and miscellaneous abdominal procedures Includes 11 new chapters treating the latest laparoscopic and stapling procedures and the newest surgical equipment and materials And much more!

THE MOST UP-TO-DATE TRAUMA SURGERY GUIDE AVAILABLE ANYWHERE Defines the core of major general surgical procedures using well-established, safe techniques With the publication of this Eighth Edition, this "gold standard" reference continues its 50-year tradition of excellence as the ultimate teaching atlas of surgery. The best way to keep up with the dynamic field of trauma surgery -- and to keep up-to-date answers nearby -- this compact resource gives you quick and definitive solutions.

Here's why Zollinger's Atlas of Surgical Operations remainsthe leader in the field!

Provides easy-to-follow, step-by-step detail for all gastrointestinal, vascular and gynecologic procedures -- in addition to all other procedures commonly performed by the general surgeon or surgical resident -- in text and in hundreds of superb line drawings. Includes logorithmic treatment and diagnostic options Covers preoperative preparation and postoperative care....anesthesia....and ambulatory (or outpatient) surgery commonly performed for the repair of inguinal, femoral, and small umbilical hernias, breast biopsies and many other gynecologic procedures, excision of skin tumors, some plastic procedures as well as certain orthopedic and otolaryngologic procedures

Fully updated, this Eighth Edition:

  • Features 16 completely new plates and over 60 updated ones
  • Illustrates the newest techniques using laparoscopy
  • Provides completely new material on the open hernia procedure and the central node biopsy procedure
  • Describes methodologies for the latest stapling instruments
    Details the use of the new biomaterials and radionuclide localization

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