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Designed for courses in Managerial Economics in economics, business, and MBA programs, the Fourth Edition offers a lively, applied presentation of analytical and empirical tools for managerial decision making. The new edition increases the emphasis on managerial applications with more problems, case studies, questions, and with a revised version of the TOOLS software package. Table of Contents   I. GETTING STARTED.  1. Introduction to Managerial Economics.  2. Basic Training. Integrating Case Study I: Olsen's Pre-Owned CD Players. II. DEMAND.  3. Demand Theory and Analysis.  4. Regression Techniques and Demand Estimation.  5. Business and Economic Forecasting. Integrating Case Study II: Southern Turkey. III. PRODUCTION AND COSTS.  6. Production Theory and Analysis.  7. Cost Theory and Analysis.  8. Linear Programming. Integrating Case Study III: Bond Construction Company. IV. MARKET STRUCTURE.  9. Perfect Competition and Monopoly. 10. Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly, and Barriers to Entry. 11. Game Theory and Strategic Behavior. Integrating Case Study IV: Pacific Copper. V. PRICING DECISIONS. 12. Pricing of Goods and Services. 13. Pricing and Employment of Inputs. Integrating Case Study V: Northern Lumber Products, Inc. VI. RISK AND CAPITAL BUDGETING. 14. Risk and Decision Making. 15. Capital Budgeting. Integrating Case Study VI: Bentley Enterprises, Inc. VII. TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE AND LOCATION THEORY. 16. Technological Change in a Global Economy. 17. Locating the Firm in the Global Economy. Integrating Case Study VII: GMG Entertainment, Inc. VIII. BUSINESS DECISIONS AND GOVERNMENT. 18. Taxes and Decision Making. 19. Antitrust and Regulation. Integrating Case Study VIII: Autovideo (Un) Ltd.
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