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This junior-level electronics text provides a foundation for analyzing and designing analog and digital electronic circuits. Computer analysis and computer aided design are recognized as significant factors in electronics throughout the book. The use of computer tools is presented carefully, alongside the important hand analysis and calculations. The author, Don Neamen, has many years experience as an enginering educator and an engineer. His experience shines through each chapter of the book, rich with realistic examples and practical rules of thumb. The book is divided into three parts. Part I covers semiconductor devices and basic circuit applications. Part II covers more advanced topics in analog electronics, and Part III considers digital electronic circuits. Table of Contents Part I Semiconductor Devices and Basic Applications 1. Semiconductor Materials and Diodes 2. Diode circuits 3. The Bipolar Junction Transistor 4. Basic BJT Amplifiers 5. The Field Effect Transistor 6. Basic FET Amplifiers 7. Frequency Response 8. Output Stages and Power Amplifiers Part II: Analog Electronics 9. The Ideal Operational Amplifier 10. Integrated Circuits Biasing and Active Loads 11. Differential and Multistage Amplifiers 12. Feedback and Stability 13. Operational Amplifier Circuits 14. Nonideal Effects in Operational Amplifier Circuits 15. Applications and Design of Integrated Circuits Part III: Digital Electronics 16. MOSFET Digital Circuits 17. Bipolar Digital Circuits Appendixes: Appendix A Physical Constants and Conversion Factors Appendix B Introduction to Pspice Appendix C Selected Manufactors' Data Sheets Appendix D Standard Resistor and Capacitor Values Appendix E Reading List Appendix F Answers to Selected Problems
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