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Laura Berk, renowned professor and researcher in the field of child development, has extensively revised this widely adopted text, adding new pedagogy, and a heightened emphasis on the interplay between biology and environment in relation to child development. She has also expanded the coverage of culture, and enhanced the focus on education, health, and social issues, including many social policy topics addressed throughout the text. Besides highlighting the role of immediate settings such as family, neighbourhood and school, the text underscores the impact of larger social structures on children’s well being. In this Seventh Edition, Laura Berk presents both classic and emerging theories in a clear, engaging writing style, with numerous research-based and real-world examples. Strengthening the connections between theory and applications, this edition’s extensive revision highlights the most recent scholarship in the field, giving students a clear and coherent understanding of the sequence and underlying processes of child development. The author consistently emphasizes the interrelatedness of all development—physical, cognitive, emotional, and social—throughout the text narrative. This book will be immensely useful to the postgraduate students of psychology, researchers in the field, clinical psychologists, as also to those who have an abiding interest in holistic child development.
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